
1.Population Predictions


To have knowledge of the size and make up of the earth’s population.
To be able to visualise the rate of population growth.


  1. Open this population clock and complete the first part of the worksheet 01 Introduction to Population

Maths Cross Curricular Link. 

3. You have now recorded the world’s population at the beginning and end of the lesson. You also have the exact time that you took each reading from the population counter. Use this data to calculate the number of people per minute by which the world’s population is increasing. 

As we work through the rest of this unit, keep checking the earth clock and comparing it to the numbers that  you have taken this lesson. What do you think the population will be in 4 weeks time? 

2. The face of 7 Billion

Face of 7 Billion.jpg
Look closely at this face. Who do you think this? How was the image created?


1. Watch the video above and complete the, “World’s most typical person,” worksheet. You may need to watch it more than once. Remember, this video was made in 2011 when the world’s population had just reached 7 billion. 

Now take the population quiz. 


  • Use the internet to find out when the population of India overtook China’s.
  • What are the ten most populous countries today? 
  • What will the top ten be in 2050? 

3. Seven Billion: How did we get there?


To be able to demonstrate an understanding of the scale of the the global population
To be able to discuss how the global population has changed over time and recall any periods of rapid change.
To know definitions of birth rate, death rate, natural increase and natural decrease.
To be able to calculate natural increase.

a) Population Change:

The world population has increased rapidly over the last few centuries. Click on the image to find out more.


Complete the “03 How has population changed,” worksheet using the graph above and the links on the worksheet.


Open the word document below and save it. 

Work through the worksheet using the information above. You will need to go to the CIA fact book in order to find up to data for the last part of the worksheet.


Birth Rate: The number of births per 1000 of population per year.

Death Rate:The number of deaths per 1000 of population per year.

Natural increase: When birth rates are higher than death rates.

Natural decrease: Where death rates are higher than birth rates.

4. Global Variation in Population Change.


To be able to examine how rates of natural increase vary globally.

World Population Growth
World Population Distribution


Complete this worksheet using the graphs above.

Components of Global Population Increase.docx

5. Visualizing Birth and Death Rates Around the World.


To be able to describe and explain the disparities in Birth and Death Rates around the world.

To have a basic understanding of the link between development and population growth.


i) Birth Rates

  1. Name three countries with low birth rates and make a note of what their birth rates are.
  2. Name three countries with high birth rates and make a note of what their birth rates are.
  3. Which regions of the world have the lowest birth rates. Give named examples of countries and their birth rates.
  4. Which regions of the world have the highest birth rates. Give named examples of countries and their birth rates.
  5. Using this link, make note of the  year when the global birth rate at its highest and what was the rate at this time?
  6. From the same graph, make note of the global birth rate in 2015?
  7. Using this link, describe the global trend in Birth Rates from 1960 to 2015. You must include data in your answer. Copy and paste the graph below your answer. 

ii) Death Rates

a) Name countries with the three highest Death Rates. Include the data in your answer.

b) Name countries with the three lowest Death Rates. Include the data in your answer.

c) Which regions of the world have the lowest Death Rates. Give named examples of countries and their birth rates.

d) Which regions of the world have the highest Death rates. Give named examples of countries and their birth rates.

e) Use this graph to describe the global trend in Death Rates from 1960 to 2015. You must include data in your answer.

iii) Understanding the link between Birth Rate and Death Rate

a) Is there a link between the countries with high birth rates and high death rates? Give examples of countries with both high birth rates and high death rates.

b) Do countries with low birth rates also have low death rates? Give examples to support your answer.

c) Are there any countries which don’t fit the pattern, for examples a country with a high death rate and low birth rate or vis-versa.

d) Do you think it is easier to lower the birth rate or the death rate in a Less Developed Country? Explain your answer.

6. How many more will there be?


Look carefully at the graph below and watch the video here

Write a paragraph to explain why there are different predictions on population change. What role does development play in these predictions? 

Why are there three predictions? Graph from BBC news 

Extension Task:

World at 7 Billion Banner.PNG

a) What’s your number? click here. to find out. Use the calculator to find out where you fit in the 7 billion people on the planet. Take a screen shot of your number and insert it into your notes.

b) Read the articles and watch the videos on “How Many more?,” “Seven Stories,” “Population control,” and “Is seven billion accurate?” from the same BBC website. Make notes on each section.

c) Watch this series of excellent videos that look at how we can cope with a world of 7 Billion people and more .

Choose one of the videos and create a 2 minute presentation that describes who the video is about and what it tells us about Population Change in the Country being discussed.  2 minutes, 2 slides. Do not read from the slides, write out what you are going to say. 

8. Population Structure


To know what a population pyramid is and what information it shows.

To be able to interpret a population pyramid

To understand how population pyramids can reflect development.

a) Recap: 

Before we start lets recap on some vocabulary. Download a copy of the population definitions document and add the definitions that you have learned from Tasks 1-5.

population defintions.doc

b) Now add definitions for the terms LEDC/ELDC and MEDC/EMDC using the information on this page.

c) Read the definitions below and then add them to your vocab list.


Fertility rate: The average number of children a female is expected to have in their lifetime.

Infant mortality: The number of deaths before the age of 1, per 1000 live births per year.

Life expectancy: The average age that someone is expected to live within a country. Generally women tend to live a few years longer than men.

Population Pyramids


a) Carefully read through the PowerPoint below and make notes in your book. The information you need to answer the following questions can be found in the PowerPoint so make sure you read it from start to finish.

Switzerland Population Pyramid 2015.jpg
What do you think this graph tells us about Switzerland?

b) Save a copy of the Swiss Population Pyramid document to your documents. Once you have done this open it and label the population pyramids of Switzerland with the terms, young dependents, elderly dependents and economically active.

Swiss Population Pyramids.pptx

c) Add the definitions of young dependent, elderly dependent and economically active to your definitions sheet.


Population Pyramid: A population pyramid shows the age and sex structure of the country. It is a type of graph that is divided into males and females and then age groups.

Young Dependents: The number or the percentage of the population under the age of 16.

Old Dependents: The number or the percentage of the population over the age of 65.

Economically Active: People between the ages of 16 and 65. This is basically the working group.

Dependency Ratio: The ratio between the amount of dependents (old and young) and the economically active.


Why do we classify the elderly as, “Old Dependents?”


Obviously some people stay at school past the age of 16, some people retire before 65 and some people work after 65. Also some people between 16 and 65 might unemployed. However, when we are look at entire populations we have to look at averages (the norm).

d) Click here to go the population structure exercise on

Complete the population pyramids worksheet below using the information on the web page.


e) Go back to the Power Point you worked on in question 4. Use your knowledge of population pyramids to label the population pyramids for Switzerland (2015 and 2050), India and Uganda. What do the pyramids tell us about the population structure of the three countries.

Boys at school in Uganda.jpg
Boys at school in Uganda. How might Uganda’s population growth change if more girls were to attend school?

f) Here you can find population pyramids for every country in the world. Use this link to find the predicted population pyramids for India and Uganda in 2050. Insert them into the Power Point and add labels to them highlighting the key information about the population structure and change for each country as you did for question 8.


g) What problems do you think the governments of Switzerland, India and Uganda will face in 2050. Think about the relative sizes of the Young, Elderly and Economically Active Groups. Write a paragraph under the relevant slide in the PowerPoint you have made.


India will be the most populous country in the world by 2022. Why? What impact will this have on the country?

h) Click on the image above and make notes on the article. You could create an info graphic to illustrate the facts given.

i) Read the article below. Add extra rows to your definitions sheet and include definitions for Foeticide and Infanticide.

India’s missing girls: fears grow over rising levels of foeticide.

Skewed gender ratio caused by killing of thousands of girls has given rise to a system of bride-buying and trafficking

9. Ecological Footprint and Carrying Capacity

  1. Watch the video above and make detailed notes on the information it contains. See how much information you can get from only 1 view of the video. 
  2. Write a clear definition of Ecological Footprint. 

Key Points 

How many more can the earth support?

How many people could the earth’s resources support? What is the ‘carrying capacity of the earth?

Carrying capacity is not a fixed number.

Estimates put Earth’s carrying capacity at anywhere between 2 billion and 40 billion people.

If humans were still in the hunter-gatherer mode, Earth would have reached its capacity at about 100 million people.

If everyone on Earth lived like a middle-class American the Earth could only support about 2 billion people.

If everyone on the planet consumed only what he or she needed, 40 billion would be a feasible number.



2) Read this document on carrying capacity and make notes.


3) Now work through the activities on this page

Watch Greta Thunbergs speech to the UN and think about how these two ideas are related.

Ecological Footprint Campaign Task

As a class you are going to design and produce a campaign to encourage the SIS community (Students, Teachers and Parents) to reduce their Ecological Footprint. How you do this is up to you as a class. You will want to consider climate change as a one of the impacts of our ever increasing Ecological Footprint

You will need to think about the following things when planning and creating your campaign. 

  • How to educate people about their Ecologial Footprint 
  • How to make people understand why they need to reduce it. 
  • What people can do to reduce their Ecological Footprint. 
  • How you are going to get your message across. This could be posters, videos, role plays, games, activities. Be creative and I suggest using a range of different methods. Remember you are trying to get your message accross to people of many different ages and cultural backgrounds. 
  • The roles that each member of the class will have. You all have different skills. Some will be more creative/artistic other, others will be really good with language and can make slogans, write text etc. Others have good IT skills and can be responsible for setting up shared documents, making videos/animations etc and someone will need to coordinate everything. Please make sure you make a list of who is doing which job. 

The work you produce will be made public all over the school. This is not just a classroom activity, it will be part of a school wide campaign. 

10. Renewable and Non Renewable resources:

a) Work through this exercise from BBC Bitesize and complete the test at the end. Take a screen shot of your score when you complete the test. 

b) Are trees a renewable resource? Explain your answer. 

volvo tracked forestry.jpg

Unit Summary and Check List

Population and Development Unit Summary.docx